North West

The North West is home to wide varied range of foods. If in the North try Cumberland Sauasage, Cumberland being a former county which is now part of Cumbria, or lamb from the Lake District. The coastal regions are a source of great fish and cockles and mussels which can be easily bought from a local chippy or at source in the fishing ports of Morecambe and Heysham.

The North West is also home to Lancashire and Cheshire Cheese, both have a crumbly feel and mild flavour both of which can hold their own against other 'superior' cheeses.

If however you prefer something more filling then there is always fish and chips available in all towns in the North West, which can be had with Curry Sauce or Mushy Peas. But then there is Lancashire Hot Pot a dish of sliced onions and potatoes etc...

But if you prefer something sweeter then there is only one answer. Blackpool Rock, or Kendal Mint Cake, or Eccles Cakes, or Bakewell Tart from Manchester, or Chorley Cakes.